Monday, July 27, 2009

Chilled out Chi-Town

Forgot to mention that Saturday was great also. I went up to a little cruise meet/get together for CA240SX forum. Went down 290 all the way down to lower Wacker. First time I have ever traveled so fast down there. Then met up at a spot.And I forgot my camera! Well there are still my memories! Always really cool kids out there though. Cool cars also, they weren't all glamorous or anything but cool none the less. Kevin from ILL garage had his MRS out with updated exhaust. That car sounds great and really looks great. Best in Illinois IMO. Rob hand his S14 Zenki that was fresh with the white rollers on emerald paint. Shared my food with the guy, got water in return. Haha great deal. Met people behind the usernames. Eckominds, SIMON, JAYYS, Roski(ROW-SKEE), Carlos from Touge Factory. I know there were more people but I don't remember the names. Anyways, If you have an S-chassis go join When it comes to meets, I'll be packin the food!


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