Monday, July 20, 2009

Daily Grind and Family Fun

This last week was pretty gravy. I love my gig and I hope to stay here until I retire. For those that don't know,I work in the IT department at a bank. Great people to work with and great environment to be in. It's really great to travel around Chicago land and get paid for it plus mileage X 55 cents. Compared to all my other jobs, this one is by far the greatest.
Anyways beside work. I spent this weekend hanging around my family. This is something I rarely if ever do. It made me realize how out of touch I am from my family. I felt like such an arrogant asshole seeing how much I've missed out.Well that is about to change.Because an my family is crazy fun! Tons of food, outrageous amounts of gambling, and plenty of drinks to go around. I have never seen so much money being thrown down and at stake before until that day. Even though its a westerners game, the Khmer folks got down in Texas hold'em. Hundreds upon hundreds of dollars in the pot. God it was awesome. I played but lost all my cash, I know I'm a beginner give me a break. I've also missed out on hanging out with the Khmer kids my age. Jeez what was I doing all these years? What was so bad about being around my family that I stayed away? Man I don't know.

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