Thursday, July 9, 2009


I was listening to the radio to and on of the topics was that having a a purpose in life increases your chances of living longer.
Have you ever thought about it? What is your purpose in life? I think that having a purpose is definitely required to live a great life. You just can't live through life just riding it's waves. You have take one path towards something that you want. Yes you can go through life and just take what it gives you but you're going to just be an empty shell of a person if you do. You have to find your purpose and keep at it. It can be your kids, your career, anything. And it can be for any amount of time, as long as there is a constant purpose.
It's important to realize that you are not a bad person for doing what you want to do. Life is more enjoyable when you feel like you have the freedom to make your own choices. No one wants to feel pressured all the time about all the decisions they make. It's a hazardous thing that will make you feel like you have no identity.
Don't ever let anyone keep you from being who you are.
Purpose, Whats yours?


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