Saturday, July 25, 2009

Forever Yours*

Coming to a conclusion, the end of the light.
I see you... Oh I see you. Your smiling at me like an innocent child directly in my line of sight.
It's like the darkest of all nights. The sharpest contrast to day.
You're still there not budging for a thing. Still smiling.
I feel like I love you, but I don't know who you are. I just feel a familiar feeling.
Like the feeling of a fresh wound before it becomes a deep scar...but opposite.
No pain. No ouch. Just yes. Just.Like.That.
Wait now, you're getting closer. Stuck in the same, just like a still photo of a smiling face.Position.
Coming at me like a slow mo reunion. We lock eyes like enemies going toe to toe.
No. We are closer then enemies. Closer then two friends.
I see who you are now. You.The Future. The beginning of the end.

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